We are a community of people centred on Jesus who believe that knowing him personally makes a tremendous difference in our lives.
Sunday Worship
We meet every Sunday at 11.00am for morning Worship either in person or via Zoom. On the first Sunday of the month Communion is an integral part of the service and all believers are welome to participate. Childen have their own Junior Church during the message.
The following are regular church activities but at present we are reassessing the needs of our church and community. Our Community Pastor, Donna, is developing links between church and community. A baby and toddler group 'The Lighthouse' meets on Friday mornings during term time (9.00-12.00) and a suupport group for parents of children with AHDH (ADHDitude) on a Wednesday evening - you can check out these on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/broxburnbaptist
On Sunday afternoons we lead services at four care homes on a rota basis with other local churches.
On the second Sunday of the month we meet at 5.30pm for Family Fellowship which is a time of worship designed for all ages.There is fun and fellowship and we always finish by sharing a light supper so that the kids can go home and straight to bed.
On the third Sunday at 6.00pm we share a time of relaxed fellowship and ceebrate communion around the tea table.
Women's Fellowship
The WF meets every two weeks for a time of fellowship with a variety of inputs. All women of any faith or none are welcome to attend.
Between 10.30 and 12.00 on the last Thursday of the month (except July and August) Broxburn Baptist is the place to be if you like excellent home baking and real tea and coffee. A nominal charge of £1.50 applies.
Please contact us at secretary@broxburnbaptist.org.uk